Wednesday, October 13, 2010


One of my best friends from college and me had a very intriguing conversation regarding the growth of people. However I read my bedside blessing afterwards and it said the following:

God uses an infinite of vehicles in the process of helping us grow. I do not know of any means that leads to instant growth. I've never met anyone who became instantly mature. It's a painstaking process that God takes us through, and it includes such things as waiting, failing, losing, and being misunderstood--each one calling for extra doses of perseverance.

Christian growth comes through hard-core, gutsy perseverance.

Apply your heart to discipline and your ears to words of knowledge. --Proverbs 23:12

Therefore it is clear to me that the only way for us to grow as Christians by having hard-core, gutsy perseverance no matter what. I must persevere through all things that come my way so I can achieve the goal that God has set forth for me. This is the only way to do that and I am thankful that God is helping me grow each and every day of my life. My Growth in life and with God occurs when I persevere through the bad and ugly just like it is good in order to see better and brighter days. This is what is expected.

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